HouseCars, HouseTrucks & HouseBuses
Many people have the dream of being a gypsy, a dream of travel & freedom. When you put your house on a truck, it doesn’t matter where you park, because you’re always home. The atmosphere you create is limited only by your imagination and creativity.
For every housetruck or housebus, there is an artist who has built it to meet their individual needs. There’s no end to the variety of styles you can see in housetruck design. Their variations and “character” are as different as the artists who built them.
Everywhere Roger Beck went, he took pictures of housecars, housetrucks and housebuses. His collection eventually grew in to a published book, which you can buy on this site.

Where You Find One, You’re Likely To Find Another
Many of the people whose housetrucks and housebuses appear on this website or in the book are also a part of the tapestry of Roger Beck’s life. These are the people he often traveled with. Sometimes they helped each other with construction or remodel projects. They sometimes attended craft fairs together. Mostly, they just kicked back and enjoyed a simple life. Being able to move your houstruck gives you the freedom to park near your friends and travel together!
Buy Roger’s Book
A Picture Book of Handbuilt Housetrucks and Housebuses by Roger D. Beck

Some Turtles Have Nice Shells
Like the European gypsies and their horse-drawn wagons, these vehicles sport the same feelings and basically the same kind of people. A lot of care, thought, artistic ability and love go into building a home on wheels. Some started small in cars and vans then worked their way up in size. Other folks already had families when they got the idea and needed something large, to begin with.

Housetruckers Know…
When you have the freedom to travel with your home, the world is always at your doorstep. There’s always a new adventure around the next bend.
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